Our Mission :

Every single member of our international Cyprès team (originally known as White Ribbon Day) has experienced a deep and personal transformation.  More than a traditional idea of “religion,” we’ve experienced the peace and freedom of knowing the person of Jesus on an intimate level, and we want to spend the rest of our lives doing our best to follow Him — to live in obedience to His leading and direction.

Driven by that desire, our mission is simple:  to use music, the arts, and the spoken word to share the love and message of Jesus with as many people as possible in every country on earth.


Cyprès. Spelled like the French, pronounced like the English “Cypress.” Unless you’re in France.. In France they’ll probably still just pronounce it the French way.

If you’ve ever tried to dive or jump from a high cliff into the water far below, you know there’s a terrifying moment when you first step to the edge — when the pit of your stomach contracts and every self-preservation instinct inside screams “this is a terrible idea.”

And if you’ve ever taken the leap, you probably remember having to squelch that instinct — to push it down, driven by the conviction that the experience would be worth the risk, and that something, water, in this case, would be there to safely break your fall.

In 2012, a small family of musicians, artists, and communicators stepped out to our own metaphorical “cliff’s edge” — driven by a desire we couldn’t extinguish, we left the security of traditional jobs, boarded a plane, and set out to do something which seemed impossible:

Our mission was to use the tools at our disposal — music, the arts, and the spoken word — to reach as many people as possible in every country on earth with the love and message of Jesus.

Since that time, over the past decade, we’ve had the privilege of performing in nearly 40 countries.  From intimate acoustic settings to massive venues, we’ve watched God impact hundreds of thousands of people with the message that has changed our lives.

Cyprès operates under the covering of On The Go Ministries of Nashville, TN, in partnership with the Palau Global Network of Evangelists, and in relationship with churches and ministry partners around the world. It’s also important to note that our team… is a family. It’s our privilege to travel as an extended family, and we’re committed to using our unique strengths together for the purpose of sharing the message of Jesus around the world.

If you want to know more about the message we share all over the world, click here :

If you are interested in partnering with us in our vision

to reach the world for Jesus click here :

If you’re interested in booking Cyprès for a live event click here :

If you’d like a more in-depth look at who we are, our covering, and what we believe, click here :